Pain News

Create Lasting Change

It’s so hard to create lasting change. Here are some tips for this 2019. There is still time to fulfill your new year’s resolutions! 1. Reality Check: No regrets; embrace your past. Take a snapshot of where you are at today, whether it be your health, your weight, your career goals, your financial goals, your [read more]

New Location: 429 Llewellyn

NEW LOCATION in CAMPBELL, CA *Bay Area Pain Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Osteopathy, Acupuncture* Happy 2019! I hope that this new year is providing you with a chance to reset, purge unwanted energies and create room for new beginnings. Starting February 4th, I will be joining a new medical group. Spine and Sports Medical [read more]

INFLAMM-AGING: Diet and Supplements for Pain

I had the pleasure of co-presenting a Regenerative Medicine lecture at the annual conference of the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) in San Diego. Together with Dr. Marco Quarta (Stanford University and Rubedo Life Sciences) we demystified the knowns & unknowns behind healing and regeneration, clarified the treatments we have today, reviewed current literature (ex. [read more]

Feedback Tuesdays

This is for people who live with partners/loved ones. To be dealing with pain (physical or emotional) is extra difficult because nobody can see your pain. An emotional pain can even end up being physical and vice versa. You, as the one who is being challenged, may be holding back relaying your emotions, to try [read more]